So, to the news!
Seventh Heaven

We're 8-bit Lovers
It is getting it's first volume, finally!! I was really looking forward to hear this one, because it feats four characters, and what I want to know is if it is a Drama CD or a Talk CD, guessing it's a talk CD by the cover orz. And the images that the blog has are quiet the thing ~~~pervymuch~~~ but that's what makes me more interested XD
i don't really now all the seiyuus, but I know one of them is Morikubo Shotaro as the thief! really looking forward to it, you should wait to read the review that I will surely post! It's out on July 24
Kannou Jikan
I never though this would ever happen, really, never, but, Kannou Jikan vol. 11 will be voiced by Kaji Yuuki, I just heard the video and oh so much going on there -wegotドSKaji againburymenowbeforeIhearthis- and the awaited link to the page! Because you deserve it, it's no fun being the only one stuned. It will also be out on July 24. This time it seems that you will be a maid who was waiting for his return, and it seems you are the only one left, and that it's not the first time you do THAT with him. Oh! I forgot, the sample voice includes slight violence (and dummyhead mic) so I recomend to hear with earphones/headphones ^^...I would be really pleased if this was the last new from hituzigumo but...
Tobosha vol. 6 Ryo-hen
This time we get involved in another incident so we won't get famous persons again, this time with Ikura Ryo, who will be voiced by Hirakawa Daisuke, the story starts when a young man helps you out when someone was trying to steal your bag at the home station, so he decides to be by your side to protect you...but, why is the bag so important? ...this CD will be released on July 31 look forward to the review ^^...
42gami vol.6 Lute
Diabolik Lovers More, Blood!

Ain't you as excited to hear this as me?? On another note, I am starting to wonder if they will do versus CDs this time! I support Ruki-Yuuma and Kou-Azusa or Kou-Ruki and Yuuma-Azusa...
Diabolik Lovers Character Song Album
The volume 3 will be Laito (Hirakawa Daisuke) with the song Bloddy Sabbath (don't complain, that's how it was written XD) and it looks pretty interesting, I also forgot to post the review of Kanato's :S well, I still have time XD to do that. and I think Laito looks well in the pic XD
And why do rejet keeps doing large images instead of only posting the cover image DX I have to put extra stuff to fill the space XD or should I just type stuff related to the CD? Well, then I have to admit the setting of the Character Song Albums are interesting, because of the mini situation after the song, it usually is placed on a time where you have already decided on the vampire and you only give your blood to him (seems like that), just sayin', but on Kanato's CD it got really obvious, when he saidthat he loved the repulsive you, sweet words, huh?
Jooubachi no Kanbinaru Kougou
Oh...Just the part I didn't want to get to... *sigh* okay then... this CD is a R-18 CD from hituzigumo, and it's the second one of the series, and I had hears the first one, and decided not to review it because I felt it words can describe my feelings... I don't know a lot of the story since I am not really interested on this series, but I believe there are two princes or something like that and they both have three romantic interests, the first volume was from the red-head princess who god knows how is she called, along wiht another two guys (the third one is the only one I'm interested in XD so maybe I will review it) and the second volume feats one of the guys of the darker girl. Weird enough, the first volume wasn't under the R-18 warning, but it had plenty of violence and sexual themes, while the second CD is under the R-18 and the name of the seiyuu wasn't provided, while on the first one it was provided (it was Hirakawa Daisuke). Someone want me to review this CD or the first one? because if someone wants me to review it just asking is okay, I am considering it anyway U¬¬ (I...I didn't want to submit the image either)
Extra CDs
Jiyuu Kenyuu- July 26
INMA series- July 26
HumANdroid vol.2 M- July 17
And... that's all my info! Wish this - rejet's- releases list helps out XD
I'm serious about the Jooubachi no Kanbinaru Kougou review stuff, just ask if you want the review up! And look forward for next months news, because I will be really energetic because of wasurenagusa!!
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