Friday, August 1, 2014

Taishō gūzō roman “tei kuni sutā” First Star: Seishiro

“The era is taishō, the place destined to become a stage is here, Japan…
Our story takes place on the theater…but not exactly at this time… More precisely on a street from Tokyo, a young woman has a troubled expression, and is standing still, at that moment a young man with a beautiful face comes near to her… This is where this story of love between the famous actor and the girl begins…”

To be fair let’s get the protagonist (you) introduced first, shall we? This girl, who seems to be your common 16/17 years old girl is from a small village not stated yet, she is the new owner of said theatre, but as a kid from a rather poor family there is absolutely no one who believes her intentions are good, and believing that she is not good enough for the theatre or that she just wants the money so badly a good part of the richest families have already taken a dislike to her.

During the first track the introduction takes place, Seishiro [CV: Sakurai Takahiro] helps you out, and when you finally reach the theatre he believes that you just liked him so much that you went to the theatre to see him, but when he sees you again on the backstage is even more surprised since no one is supposed to be there apart from the stars, that is when the story takes a turn for the bad and you tell him you are the new owner. He doesn´t believe you, and after you explain him that it is true he just soaks you with water and asks you to clean all the mess.

All the tracks from the Day CD are basically of Seishiro bulling you like a middle school girl would do, making you fall and tricking you into breaking things or doing other things wrong and stuff like that and trying to despair you so that you leave the theatre. Of course you never fall for it and make him get seriously frustrated with you.

You reveal to him that the reason behind you wanting to keep the theatre is that you want to make it like the opera house, just as the past owner wanted to, since you promised to him and to your father, who is a doctor who went to the war. Seishiro is surprised by the fact that your father went to the war, but as long as it has already taken he says that it’s pretty likely that your father is already dead, you answer that your father is not dead and you are really convinced that he will get back, so you want to keep the theatre.

On the next CD During a party you meet some of the soldiers who used to know Seishiro, and he explains that he used to be a soldier in training, but he was bullied by his “comrades” for being half British half Japanese, and during one of the “punishments” they hit so hard on his left eye that he lost part of his vision and his eye changed of color, and became blue. Afterwards he wasn’t allowed to keep being a soldier and so he became an idol (‘cuz why not?), he admits that he just doesn’t want you to lose the theatre because it is his most precious place. Then one day there was going to be a play in which Seishiro was really important, but when he saw the soldiers went to see him he got really nervous and he was unable to act as he should. On the other hand you took some initiative and finally slapped that bitch right in the face told him that if the theatre and being an idol are really as important as he says then he should just forget about those soldiers and teach how cool he can be.  Afterwards he offers to take you home, but you tell him you are okay going by yourself, though he insists and tells you to now ask him by yourself; when you are on the car he is talking to you about what happened and when he was about to thank you some mess is happening around the town and you have to run away from the car and he asks you to go with him to his house, since it’s nearer than yours. Once you reach you start talking again and he invites you to his bedroom, where he has a bed what surprises you really much, and then he starts kissing you and thisisnotforkidsy’all… XDDDD
In the end he is acting way nicer to you and one day he tells you to watch him with the audience, but that day a fire starts on the theatre during his act and at the sight he can only think of finding you and saving you. When you reunite you have already been in the fire too long and start losing consciousness, he starts telling you not let him alone but you fall unconscious. 

On the last track you wake up and notice that you are on Seishiro’s house/bedroom and ask him what happened, he tells you that you were unconscious for three (or two?) days and you ask what happened to the theatre, he doesn’t want to take you there, but you insist so he takes you there. At the sight if the burnt theatre you start crying, Seishiro is surprised, since it is the first time he has ever seen you cry, so he promises to you that he will help you rebuild the theatre and to fulfill your dream and tells you how much he loves you and the END…

Hey everyone!! How have you been?! Well I don’t have any excuse for me I’m lazy, what else are you expecting from me ;^; ? Anyway… to the thoughts… I like this series a lot, really, a whole lot, and in my opinion this one was one of the best volumes from the four that are out. I really liked how it was really consistent he hated you, he had a point for hating you, he had a point to start liking you, what I really didn’t like was the ending, I wasn’t expecting it, I really felt like it was empty like they forced it since they couldn’t think of a better solution. I give this CD a 4/5, nice music, consistency for the most part, and the voice acting was pretty good.

The next time do be expecting Oz to Himitsu no Ai Key 1 Haruto!! I want to write at least two reviews per week from now on so be prepared!!

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